Ramona Quimby bangs

(photo by Claire....it's really hard to take a picture of yourself!)
Not sure what I think. The bangs have been cut. The natural cowlick is messing with them a little bit. I said long and choppy...

I'm not sure. I might have just made myself look like an 8 year old.

Now I need one of Taza's headbands. Think that'll help? Wow. I have bangs.


i like them. and youll get more used to having them and styling your hair.
really.truly said…
Ha! Love the picture connection that you made.

I think they are lovely.
ohio12 said…
I really like it! That Ramona Quimby is what I looked like for the first 15 years of my life! That was a bad flashback.
Unknown said…
I like the bangs! Your eyebrows are looking really perfect, too.
Urban Mom said…
The bangs look great! Excellent choice!

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