Summer Fest

The end-of-the-schoolyear "Summer Fest" was held at City Garden this weekend. This is also a sort of graduation from "kindergarten" for the 6 year olds who will be going on to first grade in the fall. The graduates put on a little puppet show with dolls that they have made themselves throughout the year.

The kids get to pick what their character is, and then the teachers write a story based on those characters. Claire and her friend Chloe both wanted their character to be little girls named Mary. They settled on one being "Mary" and one being "Mary Ann". There were also angels, mermaids, and...

...lots and lots of "castle guards". I think all the boys were castle guards.

The teacher, Ms Cowen, read the story out loud, and the kids just move their puppets around doing what the story narrates. It's very cute.

There were also flower crowns for everyone...

...and musicians. We needed the musicians for the...

...giant May Pole!

Everyone got in on the action. Well, that's not true. We could only talk a few of the daddies into dancing 'round the may pole.

Most of the daddies just sat on the side watching. Don't we have cool looking daddies at City Garden?

Sammy also passed on dancing. He was too busy digging his way to China with his buddies in the sand box.

I asked them to pose for a picture and they fell down on the floor and posed like this. Typical. That is Sammy with is 120th roasted marshmallow.
Right before we left, I pulled a few of the boys off the floor to wheel the little baby buggy full of gifts out to Ms. Cowen, who is expecting her baby in July. She liked it a lot and the boys felt very proud of themselves.

I'm so glad that Sammy has another year or two at City Garden because we just think it's the best place on earth! I'm a little sad that Claire's time there is over. I can't believe she's a first grader!


ohio12 said…
WOW.. your hair looks freaking FANTASTIC!

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