Rainy days and sick boys...

Today Sammy is sick. We think it's strep throat. He watched a lot of Tom and Jerry today.
Claire had school this morning, but when she got home she played "doctor" and "baby" with her little bro, and he liked that. But between the rain and the sickness, we are definitely having a "blah" day.

This is on my drive to Claire's school this afternoon (hence the blurriness).

Here is out my front window and looking down our street.
Also on the way to school....
Claire thought it was hilarious that they had a tiny umbrella covering 2 of the watermellons.

So, that's my neighborhood on a rainy day. What's yours like? I'm sure those in the country have much more scenic views than this. But we have a rainy day watermellon truck!


So sorry for Sammy. Hope he's better soon.
meg duerksen said…
how funny that you are from wichita....because i saw these said without a doubt...that's chicago! we lived in chicagoland for 10 years. :)

loved it...in a different way thatn here...but still loved it.

your family looks so sweet and fun.
so glad you commented today.

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