Update post...then I'll stop

There were a few posts which needed pictures, but could not have them because my camera was lost. So, for anyone who cares, this is the update.

This is one of the two doors that I got from my friend to do some kind of crafty project with. I mentioned this in my post about putting a door on the wall. This is actually the one I have not figured out what to do with yet. So here it sits in my bedroom...

This is the one I actually painted red. I meant to be very authentic and use nice acrylic paints, but I ran out of the "barn red" color I was using and had to do the second half with washable Crayola paints. Hmmm....we also decided not to mount it on the wall right now because it is SO heavy. That lamp is the lamp I got at the Salvation Army for $8 which I was so proud of.

This is the Pottery Barn collage frame that I picked up at the Salvation Army that I liked so much too, (from the same post).

This is one of my favorite pictures from hubby and I in college. Look how young and in love we were. Look how I wore his jersey to support him! This was at his last game. I don't think we were thinking at the moment that I'd be 6 months pregnant at the same time the next year! :) We got married a month after this game.

And last, but not least, this is the go-cart that the neighborhood boys and I built. Well, that's not entirely true. It was practically built when I found it abandoned in the alley except for the front wheels, the wood seats, and the steering/holding-on board.

The other update was to my "big mouth" post, where I said that I was having a dinner party with church friends and ended up inviting some neighborhood men that hang out on the street corner (actually there is one woman too). Anyway, they did not come to the party, but then after I had cleaned up the kitchen and put the leftover chili into the fridge, there was a knock at the door....it was 10:30. Well, Matt let everyone in, they apologized for their lateness, complimented the chili, and chatted with us for about 30 minutes. We had a good talk, we got to know one of the guys ("Spooky") a little better, (he's not so spooky) and everyone was very gracious. I think it went okay?!

That's all.


Urban Mom said…
That picture is absolutely amazing. Just fantastic!!!
The Nester said…
The doors look great!

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