4th of July with the Barbars
There are no pictures of fireworks or anything in this post as our 4th of July did not include any this year. But it DID include our friends, the Barbars, and swimming in a sweet roof-top pool.
Nice view, huh?
Wella enjoyed it because it wasn't too sunny, and the kids had a great time with the Barbar kids, Tori and Anthony.
Tori is about a year younger than Claire and Anthony is about a year younger than Sam. The Barbars (who were here, from Florida, living in an executive apartment for the month while their dad worked in Chicago for a few weeks) are from Boca Raton and they have a pool in their yard at home so Tori and Anythony are GREAT swimmers. In fact, their baby, Drew is pretty good too!
Look at their great view! The balcony gave me serious panic attacks though.
Being on the 31st floor was very exciting for my kids. The only downer was that we planned to watch the fireworks from this window and instead they were all blocked by buildings. That's okay though. We had a great time anyway and Matt took Claire to fireworks in Glenview the next day (Sam was sick).
Tori holds Wella.
During the time they were here, we managed to have a few playdates at our house, go to Ed Debevicks and Gino's East (twice actually), swim in their apartment's pool, AND spend another day in Wheaton buying the kids college t-shirts and letting the boys visit their daddies' football field. What is it about old friends? You can always just pick up where you left off. I love that. We miss you Barbars! Come back next year!