Moving sucks

I know that very few people really like packing, but I really really don't like it. It gives me heart palpitations trying to figure out what is really move-worthy and what should get thrown or given away.

My dad never throws things away. He finds random places to recycle them or he keeps them in hopes of fixing them. I'm not really like that, but as I go through my storage closet and realize that I've thrown out 4 air mattresses with holes in them, I do start to feel like a major non-environmentalist. I just picture a barge out in the middle of the ocean floating around with my giant air mattresses, broken toys, old bras, and attachments from a now-broken vacume cleaner on it.

Also, once you start boxing things up and living like that for a few days, no one seems inclined to clean up after them selves in any normal ways anymore, (including myself). Like, why do the dishes or put my laundry IN the hamper when we're living in insanity anyway? It all stresses me out.

It doesn't help that we are really cutting it close as to when we are moving into the house, (we're hosting Thanksgiving you know). We were supposed to be in at the beginning of November, but you know how it is...there are always delays.

It's not really Mr Tommy's fault at was all stuff that really just happened. Or it was stuff that we added ourselves, (like turning our faux fireplace into a wood-burning one). But even so, Tom said that he's having his crew move us with his trailor for free! Isn't he awesome? And that's pretty important right now because Matt is on an audit all week and doesn't get home until late, so I'd be carrying the couch over by myself if it weren't for Mr Tommy's generous offer.

And by the way, I do not believe I was this chubbed-out at 11 weeks pregnant with my other children. It's going to be a loooooong pregnancy if I keep getting big at this rate. I'm litterally in only maternity clothes at this point! Ack. Well, anyway, I digress. There will be pictures to come of the new house, but they have been working on the staircase, which is kinda key to the aesthetic appearance of the first floor, so hopefully Wednesday!?


MA mom said…
I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown about a hundred times when we packed up 8038! 32 years in one house sheltered us from having to sort and decide along the way. I get creeped out just packing my suitcase to come to your house for Thanksgiving...I've been trying to discipline myself to take less rather than more...but it's a challenge. Don't hurt your back.
chicago_mom said…
Mom - I won't even know where my clothes are so please don't have a breakdown! :) And you are not allowed to load up the camry Gull-Lake style when you come. I do still have sheets and towels! But you may want to bring those air mattresses! We're so excited!!!
HAHAHAHAHA to all of this and the comments....
Tammy said…
Congratulations on your news! :)
Goood luck with your move.
Robin said…
It's a very small baby bump, honestly. But, you're right, you definitely weren't showing like this with Sammy-Sam. I don't think we knew until he was at least 12 weeks, right? Still, I'm betting this is going to be your easiest pregnancy yet.
I wish I could be there to help you pack/unpack. I'll pray the insanity doesn't last long.
A Mar said…
You look amazing.
Ellagator said…
Susan- congrats on the new baby to be! :)

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